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To God be the glory,
The best is yet to be.
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To God be the glory,
The best is yet to be.
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To God be the glory,
The best is yet to be.
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The ACS FAMILY has fostered a sturdy foundation over the years by ensuring that the education it provides rests on the pillars of the Methodist church.
The ACS FOUNDATION was set up to retain the quality of well-rounded, God-centred education that has been built through the years.
Our mission is to preserve the strong ACS traditions and values. We hope to achieve the tradition of loyalty and service by promoting and facilitating the ACS family’s goals in educational, spiritual and social responsibility, and making a positive impact on the community.
We hope to inspire every ACSian “to be a beacon of truth and light to society in thought and deed”.
The ACS Foundation aims to centralize the philanthropic efforts of the ACS family. By consolidating our efforts centrally, we believe we can better continue our heritage and tradition of the ACS spirit.
Gifts received by the Foundation equips us to provide bursaries to current students, support carefully selected programs at the ACS schools and strengthen the ONE ACS spirit through combined educational and community initiatives of the ACS family.
Recognizing that ACS could and should be a part of something larger in the community, the ACS Board of Governors (BOG) established The ACS Foundation on Founder’s Day, March 1st 2011 by as it celebrated the grace of God on the 125th anniversary of the schools.
ACSF was set up to serve as a platform that leverages the best of our ACS network and knits together our students, parents, staff and alumni in a collaborative effort to give back to the ACS family and to the wider society through them.
The spirit of service and giving is very much a part of the ACS heritage and tradition and is foundational to the ACSF.
ACSF consists of three ‘Members of the Company’: the Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore, the Chairman of the ACS Board of Governors (BOG) and the President of the Singapore ACS Old Boys’ Association (ACSOBA). Together, they preside over the Board of Directors (“BOD”) of the Foundation. Directors are appointed as representatives of the Member’s organizations or selected from the community, and serve the Foundation on a voluntary and unpaid basis. They are wholly independent from the paid executive management who perform the day-to-day operations.
As a company limited by guarantee, the ACSF is subject to a similar set of legal, accounting and bookkeeping requirements as a private company limited by shares.
The ACS Foundation is a public company limited by guarantee and is a Singapore-registered charity with IRAS-approved ‘Qualified Grantmaker’ status.
Donations can be channeled to one of the two separate funds that have been created: the Institute of Public Character (“IPC”) Fund and
the Endowment Fund. This allows the Foundation to fund the schools’ and students’ needs in the short and medium term, while building up an endowment fund for the long-term sustainability of the Foundation and the schools’ programs that ACSF supports.
The first Anglo-Chinese School was established on 1st March 1886 by Bishop William F Oldham to teach the children of Chinese businessmen in Singapore with just 13 students at Amoy Street. The school was so named because it held lessons in English in the morning and Chinese in the afternoon. Since then, it became widely known simply as “ACS” and over the years, ACS has grown to meet the demands for its unique education and continued to be an institution of good reputation. The ACS Board of Governors was set up in 1955 and took the helm to lead and guide ACS until today. Today, the ACS Family nurtures more than 10,000 young ACSians in 7 campuses across Singapore and Jakarta. The Anglo-Chinese School Old Boys’ Association (ACSOBA) was formed 10th July 1914, and has helped the “Old Boys” or alumni to continue to have close ties with the schools.