A Message from ACSF’s Chairman

Dear Friends and Family of ACS,
As our ACS schools are not fully funded by the government, they have had a long tradition of raising private funds to ensure that future generations of ACSians can enjoy an enhanced education and experience in their school years. ACSF complements the fundraising efforts of the individual ACS schools which generally focus on infrastructure and project-specific needs while the ACSF looks at programs for both the ACS family and the community in which we operate.
As the next 100 years of the ACS story is written, we foresee that the schools’ needs are likely to change over time as we strive to continue to deliver a well-rounded education in an increasingly complex and competitive world. To ensure the ACSF remains relevant and responsive to the needs of the schools and community at large, these non-infrastructural funding programmes will be reviewed regularly, updated, and approved by our Board.
We hope that you will join us in preserving the ACS values and our tradition of a well-rounded, Christian-based education for generations to come through your giving. Your gift will significantly impact the growth, nurturing and development of our students as they prepare for life to serve society and nation, and support the community.
We are grateful and thankful of the generous support of people and organisations like you, because together, we get to help educate students and train the educators, as we prepare them to become tomorrow’s leaders.